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2017年5月25日 星期四

2017-05-25 - Korean Rock Festival - 자라섬 스프링 사운드 페어(Jarasum Spring Sound Fair) (Part. 2): Six Bands Cancelled Their Appearance at the Festival, Hong Kong International Airport

In the morning:
I had planned the trip before the official timetable came out, and printed the return ticket of ITX, an express train to Gapyeong.

I was shocked to see these news on 블랙홀(Black Hole), one of my most favourite Korean Heavy Metal band, guitarist 이원재님's Facebook:
[17.05.28] `자라섬 Spring Sound Fair’ 티켓예매를
출연진 변경으로 인해 취소하시는 분들은 각 예매사이트에 문의하시면 수수료 없이 환불이 가능하다고 합니다.

Google Translate:
[17.05.28] Ticket booking for "Jara Island Spring Sound Fair"
If you are canceling due to a change in casting, you can ask for a refund without a fee by contacting each booking site.

[17.05.28] `자라섬 Spring Sound Fair’ 출연이 취소되었습니다.
17년 5월 28일에 출연예정이었던 `자라섬 Spring Sound Fair’에 안타깝게도 출연 할 수 없게 되었습니다.
블랙홀은 출연을 원하였지만
주최측과의 소통이 잘 이루어지지 않은 점과 주최측의 기타사유로 인해 출연을 취소하게 되었습니다.
블랙홀을 보기 위해 예매하셨던 분들에게 이런 소식을 전하게 되어 안타까운 마음입니다.

Google Translate:
[17.05.28] The appearance of "Jarasum Spring Sound Fair" has been canceled.
I can not appear in the "Jarasum Spring Sound Fair" which was scheduled to appear on May 28, 17, unfortunately.
The black hole wanted to appear
Due to the lack of communication with the organizer and other reasons of the organizer, we have canceled the appearance.
It is a pity for me to share this news with those who had pre-ordered it to see the black hole.

It was not the end...

<긴급공지> 자라섬 Spring Sound Fair - Rockamping 출연 취소 공지

Google Translate:
Jara's Spring Sound Fair - Rockamping Announcement of appearance cancellation

Boohwal also cancelled their appearance at the festival...
Since I'm a foreigner, my Daum account didn't have enough permission to read the content of the topic on Daum Cafe.

자라섬 스프링사운드페어2017 출연진 관련 공지 입니다. ※ 이브, 몽키비츠, 헤리빅버튼, 부활, 타카피, 블랙홀의 출연이 취소되었습니다. 갑작스러운 소식에 여러분의 양해를 부탁 드립니다.

Google Translate:
Jarassum Spring Sound Fair 2017 starring announcement. ※ Eve, Monkey Vitz, Herib Big Button, Resurrection, Takapi, appearance of black hole was canceled. Thank you for your understanding in the sudden news.

I had to replan my trip, I had to cancel, rebook and reprint my ITX ticket.😵😵😵😵

Went to the airport:
This was my e-ticket.

Hong Kong International Airport



I was waiting for driverless train.

Goodbye Hong Kong.

