Arrived Ikebukuro!!
池袋正在落雨,由於只去過一次Heart Field冇可能認得路,唯有冒雨開Google Map行。我對Heart Field附近環境較有印象,因為第一次去時兜了幾圈才發現所在位置。
Ikebukuro was raining. I had to use Google Map to find Heart Field because this is just my second time to there. I remembered the view around Heart Field because I had passed few time before found it at the first time.
白色結他是Tachie先生的! / The white guitar was owned by Tachie-san!!
Tachie先生女性朋友,Tachie先生,我,Satou先生 / 鼓手及琴手先生
From left to right:
Tachie-san's female friend, Tachie-san, Me, Satou-san / the drummer and keyboardist-san
Tachie-san是Melodic Power Metal樂隊Golden Commander的結他手;Satou-san是充滿幽默感,他的舉動總會引來爆笑,而且是Michael Schenker的死忠,Satou不是真名,而是。。。😆😆
Tachie-san is the guitarist of the Melodic Power Metal band Golden Commander; Satou-san is the most funny person I've ever seen, he is a big Michael Schenker fan, and Satou is not his real name, it's means....😆😆
In front of the Black keyboards(the silver one came out at the later time) was a male keyboardist, next to him was a male amazing singer(seem it was his birthday that night), in front of the keyboardist was a female drummer, next to the female drummer was a guitarist(?) that did not play instrument that night.
After say hello to Tachie-san and his female friend, Tachie-san said in Japanese that Satou-san would came later.(I knew he would join that night). Later I try to use english asking for the recommend of beer, it seem only the drummer/keyboardist understand, he said "おすすめ", I ordered a glass of Heartland after that.
之後Tachie請職員小姐俾隻CD佢,原來係佢隊Band的CD!我話"I want to buy"之類,但佢似乎唔明!我手機在Heart Field不能上網又冇乜電,Tachie好人地借我手機用Google Translate,最後Tachie仲俾個friend discount我^^
Then Tachie asked staff to give him a cd, it is his band cd!! I said "I want to buy", but he don't understand!! My smartphone was low battery and had no network!! Tachie-san gave me his smartphone and let me used Google Translate, He finally knew what I mean and gave me a friend discount to me^^
之後除了用Google Translate話手機冇電需要充電及告知Satou先生我地下次見面會係2018外,全程用音樂溝通,音樂就係語言啦!上次在Heart Field用好多Google Translate跟日本女性Metal朋友溝通,我英文唔好用詞不當,講就更衰,頭痛死!
I used Google Translate twice after that, one was looking a charger for my smartphone. another one was told Satou-san that I would meet him in 2018. We used music to chat all night, music is language!! Last time I used a lot Google Translate to chat with my Japanese female metal friend, my english was bad, speaking was even worse, headache!!
PS: 隻手係來自Satou先生,哈哈!
PS: The hand was Satou-san, haha!!
當時兩個電視正在播放Bullet for My Valentine的演唱會(我唔識新近代Band,Tachie-san話我聽),職員小姐遞給我一本滿載不同類型Rock, Metal演唱會的目錄給我選擇,有靴腿、有來自日本TV、有官方。全本目錄睇了兩次後,我決定睇TNT - Live in Japan 1989,因為我冇官方VHS可以喺屋企睇。職員小姐似乎需要時間去處理,在TNT演唱會播放前,jam night已正式開始!
At that time, these TV are playing a Bullet for My Valentine concert video (Tachie-san told me that, I don't listen to these new genre bands), staff gave me a book of concert videos to choose, some bootlegs, some from Japanese TV, some officials from every Rock and Metal genre. After read it two time, I chose to watch TNT - Live in Japan 1989 because I don't have the VHS to watch it at home. It seems the staff need some time to find it out, The Jam night was on fire before the TNT video played on TV.
手執Michael Schenker V結他的就是Satou先生,左邊的是Bass手先生。
Satou was playing with Michael Schenker V guitar,on the left was bassist-san.電鼓一角。
The side of electric drums set.
開始超過4小時的瘋狂Jam Night了!
The over four hours jam night was started!!
在Satou先生到達之前,已玩了不少名曲,包括Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke On The Water, Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song, Judas Priest - Painkiller等等,歌手先生的驚人歌唱Satou先生!
Before Satou-san arrived, many famous Rock, Metal had played: Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke On The Water, Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song, Judas Priest - Painkiller, etc. singer-san singing ability shocked all people included Satou-san later.
This is Japanese Joysound Karaoke system, MV mode or Guitar Chords mode, have lyrics but no vocal melody. Order your favourite song, then play yor instrument or sing on it, you can if you don't know the song. (I'm too bad on guitar, most of the time I only sang.
* Ordered by me
** Muted a lot of time, I'm not really know Japanese
*** Cut, impossible to sing!!
Alcatrazz - Jet to Jet
(痴線!Graham Bonnet冇可能唱到! / It's crazy!! Graham Bonnet key is impossible to sing!!)
Bon Jovi - Born To Be My Baby*
Bon Jovi - I'll Be There for You
Bon Jovi - Runaway*
(Bon Jovi係我第一隊好鐘意的樂隊,幾乎乜歌都識唱啦!哈哈! / Bon Jovi was my first favourite band, I knew almost every songs of them!!)
(Born To Be My Baby時有眾人唱Backing部份,場面好感動!呢首歌我勉強唱到! / Born To Be My Baby had people sang backing vocal for me, I was touched at that time!! I could barely sang the song!!)
(I'll Be There For You由Bass手先生旁的男友人唱,我想唱,但不好意思合唱了!我彈了結他主旋律部份! / I'll Be There For You was sang by the bassist-san's friend. I want to sing, but I left it to him!! I played the main guitar melody!!)
(Runaway是飲歌啦!鼓手/琴手先生彈Keyboards! / Runaway was my theme song!! Drummer/keyboardist-san played keyboards)
Bow Wow - Electric Power Up**
(唔記得旋律! / Forgot the melody!!)
Cinderella - Nobody's Fool*
(Tom Keifer key難唱!結他Solo應該炒了! / Tom Keifer key was hard to sing!! I'm pretty my guitar solo was failed!!)
Deep Purple - Burn
(我記得Satou先生有份叫Glenn的部份!哈哈! / I remembered that Satou-san sang the Glenn part!!haha!!)
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Japanese - Highway Star w/ Japanese lyrics
(全場爆笑! / All people laughed!!)
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
Def Leppard - Bringin' on the Heartbreak*
(Joe Elliott太高Key! / Joe Elliott key is too high!!)
Earthshaker - Fugitive*
(我都係正式上日文堂後先好唱,哈哈!當然結他Jam先係精華部份! / I should took a Japanese lesson before sang it, haha! The guitar jam part was the best!!)
Earthshaker - More
Europe - Stromwind
(鼓手/琴手先生唱,好勁,勉強唱到!我當然食蕉啦! / The drummer/keyboardist-san did it, I couldn't sing it!!)
Europe - Rock the Night*
(Joey Tempest太高音! / Joey Tewmpest pitch is too hight!!)
Firehouse - Love of a Lifetime*
(我認為最啱Key的一曲,亦彈了Solo,唔記得有冇炒了。 / The best song I sang that night, I played the guitar solo, I didn't know if I failed or not)
Fair Warning - Burning Heart
(我估係Tachie先生點的,朋友都知道我去睇Fair Warning!Tommy Heart太高音!Tachie先生仲識彈段Solo,好勁!)
(I guess this song was ordered by Tachie-san for me, friend knows my taste!!Tommy Heart key is too high!!Tachie played the guitar solo, awesome!!)
Fair Warning - Long Gone*
PS: 戴帽的是鼓手/琴手先生! / The one wearing hat was drummer/keyboardist-san!!
(Heart Field ceo Shino先生同我一齊唱!不過Tommy Heart實在太高音!)
(The master/ceo of Heart Field Shino-san sang with me!! Tommy Heart key is too high!!)
(最後一句歌詞出少句"We Knew",Shino先生叵然可以唱出!似乎Shino先生都好喜歡Fair Warning!)
(The karaoke missed the lyrics "We Knew", but Shino-san knew and sang it!!It seems Fair Warning is his favourite band too!!)
Gary Moore - Over The Hills And Far Away
(Not Sure!)
Gary Moore - Parisienne Walkways
(I played little bit guitar on this one, I knew the melody, just don't know the right key or right position.)
Harem Scarem - Saviors Never Cry*
(太高音! / The key is too high!!)
Helloween - A Tales That Wasn't Right
(太高音! / The key is too high!!)
Impellitteri - Stand in Line*
(痴線!Graham Bonnet冇可能唱到! / It's crazy!! Graham Bonnet key is impossible to sing!!)
Journey - Don't Stop Believin
Journey - Separate Ways
(Steve Perry高到暈!不過好似有人唱到! / Steve Perry key is too high!! But I think someone did it!!)
Judas Priest - Painkiller
(歌手先生唱到! / Singer-san did it!!)
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
(歌手先生唱到! / Singer-san did it!!)
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama*
(Satou先生用綠色物體玩Slide! / Satou-san use a green thing to play slide!!)
Marino - Midnight Believer**
(我都係正式上日文堂後先好唱,哈哈!當然結他Jam先係精華部份! / I should took a Japanese lesson before sang it, haha! The guitar jam part was the best!!)
Michael Schenker Group - Armed and Ready*
Michael Schenker Group - Cry for the Nations*
(特別為Satou Schenker而點!哈哈! / I ordered MSG for Satou-san!! haha!!)
Night Ranger - Don't Tell Me You Love Me*
(勉強唱到! / Barely sang it)
Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Cowley
Scorpions - Still Loving You*
Scorpions - Wind of Change*
(太高! / The key is too high!!)
Rainbow - Kill the King
Riot - Warrior
(朋友都知道我口味!💓飲歌! / Friends know my taste!! 💓My anthem!!)
Thin Lizzy - Thunder and Lightning
TNT - As Far as the Eyes Can See***
(痴線!冇可能唱到! / It's crazy!! It is impossible to sing!!)
Twisted Sister - The Price*
(勉強唱到! / Barely sang it)
UFO - Rock Bottom
(我應該學下結他部份! / I should learnt the guitar part!!)
Various - Japanese songs
Various - Happy Birthday x5
(Congratulation to the man who sang Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin, right? )
5:01 am
Tachie's female friend had gone first, we took a photo outside of Heart Field!!
Satou-san stayed overnight, he and Tachie-san were G2 all night!! That night had a lot of great people, better than the last time!! Unfortunately a japanese female metal friend couldn't come with us this time.
下次去Heart Field要等2018了!
Next time at Heart Field is 2018!!
因為呢次Heart Field的經歷,我決定要為自己鐘意的音樂多下些功夫!
I decided to work more on my favourite songs because that time at Heart Field!!
I'm looking forward to go there again!!
Thanks everyone that night!!
PS: 我在揹住結他時轉身,打爛了在我前面的酒杯,職員小姐小心收拾,我只能夠說幾聲Sorry!我事後有向Shino先生提起此意外及合唱一事,佢話當晚太醉,斷咗片!哈哈!
PS: I broke a wine glass when I was turning my body with a guitar, so I missed some songs during that time. I feel so sorry to the staff and Heart Field about that. I sent a message to Shino-san on facebook about this accident and we sang Fair Warning together, he said he was too drunk that night, forgot everything!! Haha!!