2016年頭離家獨居,5月中轉新工,10月意想不到三十年來第一次出國旅行並參與日本最大型重金屬音樂節Loud Park 16!
今次Loud Park 16成行主要是因為我最愛的結他手之一Kuni的最後兩場現場演出!
I left my family and lived alone in early 2016, got a new job in mid May, couldn't imagine first travel to other country in 30 years and went to join the biggest Heavy Metal Festival in Japan!
The main reason for this trip is one of my favourite guitarist Kuni last two live performance!
貼上了Lion logo的行李喼。貼紙來自一隻二手日版送Sticker的Lion CD,由於本身欠本Booklet,冇收藏價值,所以就拎張貼紙庶住原有的小天使貼紙。
My suitcase with Lion sticker. The sticker came from my used Japanese press Lion CD which came without the booklet. I used it to covered the original angel sticker on the suitcase.
Waiting for MTR
Clothes / 衣著:
Band T-shirt + denim jacket + denim jean + converses
機場快線 / Airport Express:
剛才坐機鐵線時,坐前面其中一個後生鬼仔在聽Peter Frampton - "Baby I Love Your Way",仲啍咗一句😅
A westerner sad in front of me was listening to Peter Frampton - "Baby I Love Your Way", and he sang it out too😅
機場大烏龍 / Big trouble at airport:
Got ticket from staff A,I thought I knew what to do next.
When I arrived departure hall, it had North and South, I believed that the closed South is the right way. I had waited until 30 mins left...
I should asked my friends or anyone at the airport, but I thought it's okay, many staffs noticed me😅😅😅😅
I was worried and asked people. Finally, I knew that South and North departure halls was the same way to gate😅😅😅😅
My denim jacket had some problems in security check, I finally passed it.
時間所剩無幾,我知道有香港國際機場旅客捷運系統,但我選擇最安全的方法: 跑!
I wasted a lot of time, I knew there's Hong Kong International Airport Automated People Mover, I chose to run to the gate!
The gate was the farthest one(sosad), run.......................
空姐A: 你去咗邊度黎阿????
我: (我唔知點答你好,我只係知係時侯上機😅😅😅😅)
Staff A: Where did you go????
Me: (What should I said....I only knew it's time to the plane😅😅😅😅)
I was thinking about the plane didn't departure on time while I was sat down????😄😄😄😄
2017-04-12, Generation Axe後同朋友提起此事:
我: 班機遲遲唔起飛,係咪因為我呢????
朋友: 肯肯定係啦!!😄😄😄😄
2017-04-12, after Genereation Axe with friend:
Me: Why the plane did not departure on time, was it because of me????
Friend: I'm pretty sure!!😄😄😄😄
Rainy day
Hi! Cloud!